DIY Flower Arrangement

Boxwood Shrub Sphere
Ice Cream Bowl (exact one, this is cute too)
Assorted Flatback Gems, Pearls
Hot Glue Gun

I'm a sucker for flowers and shiny things so when it came to creating this project, I knew that it would be my new fave thing! It's simple, glamorous, and affordable--I got most of my supplies at the Dollar Store. When I was little I was obsessed with chandelier trees so this is a cute spinoff on typical flower arrangements!

1) Get a small shrub sphere (mine was about 5 inches).
2) Choose your assorted fixtures, I had some pearls, jewels, and sequins around the house. Using a hot glue gun, glue the adornments individually and scatter throughout.
3) After the Boxwood Ball is dry, place it in an ice cream bowl!

It's really that simple!
