You define Perfection

We live in a world based on looks. That's why visuals play a huge role in what we find appealing in terms of what we eat, how we dress, and what we deem acceptable. The crazy thing about it is that we're fed so much information day in and day out, that those societal ideals influence the choices that we make.

Playing with makeup is my newfound hobby. Growing up, it seemed like adults always shamed young ladies for wearing makeup or trying to" look cute for some boy" 🙄 so I automatically assumed that it wasn't for me. As I got older, I began to appreciate the artistry of makeup because I finally understood how presenting yourself in the best manner affects your self esteem and nonverbal communication skills.

There are so many do's and don'ts when it comes to beauty that I realized the key to finding the "perfect" red lipstick, or the best exfoliator, or the #1 mascara is to experiment.  No matter how much you research and see what what's done on Youtube and IG, it doesn't compare to being fearless enough to try something for yourself.. Be honest. Every shade will not work for every complexion and that's okay. Some products may not work for your skin type but that doesn't mean that there's nothing out there for you. Who knows? You might even come up with the solution to your own beauty problems.  Just know, you're the only one who  can define what's perfect.