Unscripted: Tea for Three

This post is in celebration of Black Girls Unscripted, an organization that challenges stereotypes in media by sharing our truth through positive stories. Thank you Ms. Tiffany Gill for being a trailblazer and visionary. Find out more about them here.
Words have power and it's so important to understand that our choices are only a reflection of what's going on internally. You decide what you can and cannot do before you even move. You decide how far you'll go in a relationship even before you act. You decide what you want for dinner even before you get home. Will things always go your way? Nope, but the great thing is that life presents options and it's our responsibility to be accountable for how we choose to live without regard to the opinions of others.

As a carefree black girl and fashion major, there are so many things that run through my mind in terms of beauty, culture, and representation. Identity is more than just your name. It's about an awareness of your truth and knowing what you will and won't stand for. Social media has so much content and it's necessary to be aware of what you are consuming.
If it won't help you grow, it needs to go.
Sometimes you don't need to know the latest tea. From fight videos to police brutality, gossip and cyberbullying to colorism in the beauty industry and not having the "right" type of natural hair, all of these things take a toll on our sisterhood and well-being.

You won't like everyone that you meet and everyone won't like you. Accept it and move on. I won't fake and act like the world is full of kind and genuine people but I do have the power to be one of those kind and genuine people. Telling another girl that she looks gorgeous won't take away from my beauty. Helping someone who's struggling in a certain subject won't take away from my intelligence.
It's our collective responsibility to create meaningful change in these areas that we know are damaged. 
It's more than protests and boycotts, it's about unity in our community, schools, and friendships. Reform must first start within your mind. If we want to move towards a common goal we must acknowledge our differences while being willing to remain selfless.

Choose to spread love and light, today and always.